What is the Shetland Family History Society?

We are a regulated charity, run by elected trustees, dedicated to the study of Shetland Families both in the Isles and in the diaspora and to the education of others regarding the history of Shetland families. We have around 800 members worldwide. All office bearers are unpaid volunteers and we exist through the goodwill and enthusiasm of our members who volunteer their time and effort.

What are the membership fees and how are they set?

The fees are set by members, on the recommendation of the trustees, at the A.G.M. The fees are set out here and we recommend the electronic membership so the Journal cannot be delayed in the post and to protect the environment.

Do you do research for people?

Yes, for members our designated volunteer researchers can undertake a limited amount of research within our own records regarding members of your own ancestry. We are unable, under Data Protection regulations, to help with research into anyone to whom you are not related.

Research is free for members (include your membership number in your request). We may be able to do some research for non-members but we ask a minimum payment of £25 for this. Get in touch to make a research request.

Can I write an article for your Journal?

We encourage submission of articles with a Shetland Family History connection. Guidelines for submissions to our journal, Coontin Kin, can be found here. Any article, or query regarding the suitability of a topic, should be sent to our editor: [email protected].

How do I get to Shetland?

The short answer is by ferry or plane please see out tips on travel to and around Shetland here.

Can anyone volunteer to help?

Yes. Pop in to our premises at Garthspool, Lerwick if you are able or contact either our chairperson [email protected] or secretary [email protected].

Where do I find your database online?

Due to the Data Protection Act 2018 we are unable to put our information on line. Please contact [email protected] for any help we can give you.